created at 2024-09-22 20:20:57
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CMD Profile Report

Score: 2.18 / 3.00

Header Section

Score: 1.00 / 1.00
Name BLAM-collection-repository_v0.6
Description The Basic Language Archive Metadata Collection profile aims to provide a basic metadata profile for language repositories. The profiles cover fundamental domain specific, but project independent, descriptive metadata as well as basic administrative and structural metadata. BLAM Collection Repository focusses on discoverability and human-readable display without a proliferation of data fields and work for the data producer.
Schema Location
CMDI Version 1.2
Status development

Facets Section

The facet section shows if a specific facet is covered by the profile. In other words, if the profile defines an element for the facet.

Score: 0.67 / 1.00

Number of facets: 15

Number of facets covered by profile: 10

Percentage of facets covered by profile: 66.7%

Name Covered
languageCode true
collection true
format true
keywords true
country true
organisation true
name true
description true
license true
availability true
resourceClass false
modality false
genre false
subject false
temporalCoverage false

Usage Section

The usage section shows in which collection the profile is used

Collection Usage
profile not used

Cmd Component Section

The components section shows information on the kind, id and the usage of concepts in the profile.
For more information on componets, have a look at the Component Registry Documentation , please.

Total number of components: 0

Number of unique components: 0

Number of required components: 0

Name Id Count

Cmd Concepts Section

The concepts section shows information on the kind, state and the number of concepts used in the profile.
For more information on concepts, have a look at the CLARIN Concept Registry , please.

Score: 0.52 / 1.00

Total number of elements: 58

Number of required elements: 31

Number of elements with specified concept: 30

Percentage of elements with specified concept: 51.7%

Concept Status Count
Total: 58 Unique: 23 Required: 31
mime type APPROVED 1
availability APPROVED 1
location country APPROVED 2
relation role CANDIDATE 1
place name APPROVED 2
country coding CANDIDATE 1
resource title APPROVED 1
location region APPROVED 2
license APPROVED 1
publication date APPROVED 1
funder APPROVED 1
availability start date CANDIDATE 1
persistent identifier APPROVED 1
language name APPROVED 3
creator CANDIDATE 2
geographical coordinates APPROVED 1
publisher CANDIDATE 1
project name APPROVED 1
description APPROVED 1
metadata tag CANDIDATE 2
language ID APPROVED 1